
              The Principal,
              New Era
              English School
              Nashik - 422002.

                    Sir /Madam,

                               SUBJECT:   APPLICATION FOR ADMISSION

               Kindly register my son/ daughter_____________________________________________ and admit him/ her in Standard_______ of your school for the academic year 1999-2000.

               I hereby undertake to abide by all the rules and regulations of the School and to see that my son /daughter does not go against any disciplinary regulation of the School as laid down in the School dairy – prospectus and circulars from time to time.

               Further, I certify that all information given hereunder is true and correct to the best of my knowledge.


                                                                                                                                    Yours faithfully,


                                                                                                                                     (Parent/Guardian) ****************************************************************************************


     1.  Name of Student __________________________________________________________________

                                      Surname                          First Name                            Father’s/Guardian’s Name

     2.  Place of Birth ______________________ Date of Birth _______________________

     3.  Family Background

    1. Religion _______________________________

    2. Mother Tongue __________________________

    3. Wheather any family member is having knowledge of English : Yes / No.

  1. Last School Attended________________________________Medium__________

  2. Last Standard Passed_______________ Year____________

  3. Bus Service Required     Yes / No                                       Bus Stop___________________________